Why sell at a higher price?

Our company Other company
Business As a company specializing in income-producing properties, all of our employees have expertise in income-producing properties, and we hold close discussions with financial institutions at each of our branches. We have a wide range of knowledge and are involved in diverse businesses such as apartment rental introductions, land sales and brokerage, home remodeling, storefront guidance, new home guidance, and introductions to single-family apartments.
Client More than 1,500 wealthy people, including doctors, executives and managers of listed companies, and landlords, are registered members, and since we have a detailed understanding of their annual income, financial assets, desired purchase area, purchase conditions, etc., when a property for sale occurs, we can quickly find the desired purchase customer and conduct the transaction without being known to the surrounding community. Since we do not specialize in revenue registers, we look for buyers after receiving a request for sale.
In order to advertise on Raines, etc. to search for purchase customers, the fact that a property has gone on the market is widely known to various people, and an unscrupulous rumor may occur.
Prospective buyers are wealthy individuals with good attributes who have registered their annual income, financial assets, and other details, and have already had some preliminary discussions with banks about financing, so financing approval is quick. It is difficult to gather purchase applicants with good attributes such as high annual income and financial assets from scratch, and negotiations with banks take time, so information is often passed on to real estate buyers in the end.
Properties with a value of 500 million yen or more will be sold to domestic and foreign real estate funds, overseas investors (Taiwan), and companies wishing to purchase real estate with ample retained earnings. Because they are sold in batches of 5 to 10 billion yen, they can be sold at higher prices than usual. Due to lack of expertise, even if they have sales ability, they are too busy with other business to specialize in high-value property sales.
Sale price Since we are an intermediary, not a buyer, we will make an effort to sell the property as high as possible in order to obtain a high intermediary fee. Because there are no immediate customers to buy, there are many sales between vendors. The sale price may be lower because the vendor purchases the property once.
Sales Materials When selling a property, we will prepare sales drawings, income rent rolls, expenditure statements, income and expenditure tables, real estate management simulations, income and expenditure improvement plans, results of interviews and surveys with local real estate companies, and documents related to the property's features as documentation. In many cases, only sales drawings are available.

Provisional assessmentWe will provide you with a tentative offer in advance.

By asking the owner for the amount of annual income (assuming full occupancy), we will provide you with a (tentative) assessed value when you do not see the property.
If this amount meets your requirements, we will interview the owner and conduct a property survey.

Annual rental income(Assuming full occupancy)

・Solar equipment

(Tentative) Annual income: 10 million yen


・Property tax
・Administrative expenses
・Condo fees
・Cleaning fee

(Tentative) Annual expenditure 1,000,000 yen

On-the-spot investigation
We will conduct an on-site survey of the current condition of the property you wish to sell.

  • Confirm the location conditions
  • Verify the current state and management of the building
  • Check the utilities (water supply, sewerage, and gas)
  • Confirm the boundaries of the adjacent properties
  • Check the market rent for the property
  • Investigate the municipality's strategies for attracting businesses and increasing population, where the property is located
  • Research the unique characteristics of the area

We will meet with the seller directly and present a formal appraisal value.

  • Verify property details and income and expenses
  • Consultation on taxes at the time of sale
  • Confirmation of building repair history, etc.
  • Confirmation regarding sales activities (e.g., brokerage fees)
  • We will determine the price based on the income method.

Final assessment

Sales activities

We offer free assessments
Please feel free to contact us.

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    If conditions permit, will you sell your properties?

    Would you like to conduct the sale in confidence?

    Annual Rental Income(included rent, maintenamce fee, parking fee, etc.) (when there is no vacancy)

    Asking Price

    Do you have others?

    How to contact with us
    (Multiple choices allowed)Required fields


    Privacy Policy

    FRS Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes the importance of customers' personal information, and in order to provide safe, secure, and reliable services to everyone, the Company has established the following regulations and ensures that all employees are aware of and comply with them.

    Basic Policy

    We comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws and regulations. We are also committed to further improving and enhancing the protection of personal information by conducting ongoing reviews.

    We have established a management system for the protection of personal information and have made our rules and regulations known to our directors and employees to ensure compliance with them.

    Handling Of Personal Information

    1. 1.Acquisition And Use Of Personal Information

    2. ・This company will handle personal information within the scope of the purpose of use specified to the customer. We will not disclose or provide personal information provided by customers to third parties, except with the consent of the customer or for legitimate reasons.

    3. ・We will maintain personal information in an accurate and up-to-date form, strive to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, and continuously improve and correct information security.

    4. ・We will respond sincerely and promptly to inquiries and requests for disclosure of personal information from our customers.

    5. 2.Purpose Of Using Personal Information

      Your personal information will be used for the following purposes

    6. ・Real estate sales, leasing, agency, brokerage, management, and other related activities.

    7. ・Sales activities by mail, e-mail, telephone, etc. for the above purposes

    8. ・To respond to inquiries and consultations.

    9. ・Sending information on services, events, etc.

    10. ・Service development and implementation of questionnaires.

    11. ・Research, statistics, and analysis of marketing data.

    12. ・Maintenance of the system and response to problems.

    13. ・Sales activities by mail, e-mail, telephone, etc. for the above purposes. Provision of personal information to third parties to the extent necessary for the achievement of the above purposes.

    14. 3. Third Party Provision

    15. Your personal information may be provided to third parties in writing, by mail, telephone, Internet, e-mail, information systems, advertising media, etc., to the extent necessary to achieve the above purposes of use, except as required by law. The provision of personal information to the third party will be stopped upon request from the person concerned.

    16. ・Examples of parties to whom personal information may be provided.
      The counterparty to a contract in real estate brokerage, prospective counterparties, other building lots and buildings dealers, Internet advertisers, real estate business associations, and the designated distribution system (property registration, contract notification, sales using the system's data, price assessments, etc.), financial institutions in the incidental business of real estate transactions, judicial scriveners, land and house investigators, etc.). Financial institutions, judicial scriveners, land and house investigators, property managers, remodeling companies, movers, etc. in the incidental business of real estate transactions.

    17. ・Items of personal information to be provided
      Name, address, telephone number, property information, contract information, and other items within the scope necessary for the above purposes of use in individual transactions.

    18. 4.Contact UsIf you’re not satisfied with our response to any privacy-related concern you may have, you can contact us by the inquiry form.

    Corona Support

    For elderly individuals and those with underlying health conditions who prefer not to have face-to-face meetings, we offer support via postal mail, email, telephone, and online platforms such as Zoom.
    If you would like us to inspect the property, please provide us with the keys and we will be happy to check the property, including an inspection of the rooftop.


    Can I just ask for the appraisal value?

    It is possible to just ask for it. I think it is only natural that you would like to know the value of the property you currently own. There is no charge for the appraisal.

    There is no vacancy in my property, can I sell at a higher price?

    You can rest assured that we will research the current condition of the property and conduct our sales activities under the assumption that the property is no vacancy.
    However, if the property is mostly vacant, we will need to secure some tenants.

    What kind of people are those buyers of the investment properties?

    We have many doctor clients registered as our members since we have a associated company that deals with medical software.
    We also have a lot of members such as company executives, executives of major listed companies, landlords, and people from overseas (Taiwan) etc,.
    We provide the information for properties to these members and close contracts.

    Can you appraise the property without seeing it?

    In that case, we can tell you a tentative appraisal value on the phone after we ask you about the annual rental income.
    We then conduct a field survey, meet the owner in person ,and determine the selling price.

    How dou you appraise the properties?

    We are currently informing you of the sale price, including the income method and the cost-plus method. (However, the price may vary slightly depending on the financial institution and the client’s demographics.) Since we use the income method, we can give you an appraisal value within an hour if you provide us with information such as rent, common expenses, parking fees, solar power, telegraph poles, signboards, vending machines, cellular phone antenna fees, etc. in advance.

    I would like to sell my property in confidential.

    We will provide you with the information about the selling process directly.
    We do not publish it in REINS or real estate magazines etc,.

    How long does it take from the time of submitting a request to sell to the time of contracting and settlement?

    The seller and us exchange a mediation agreement when we receive a requestfor the sale. Basically, we conduct the sales so that we finish a contract and settlement within three months which is the effective period of a mediation contract. Therefore, at the time of an appraisal, we quote the price that can be sold in three months. However, there is an exception because there is a case in which it is better to take more than three months to sell depending on the season and timing.

    I am currently selling my property to the other company.

    We can help you to sell it unless the type of agreements is exclusive brokerage service agreement.

    I have not paid off a loan valance yet.

    Most of our members have not paid off bank loans yet.
    There is no problem since the owner’s remaining balance will be repaid in a lump at the time of selling.

    What is the amount of money that will remain in taxable hands if the property is sold?

    Please tell us the brokerage fee and the land price (the price you purchased) as the expenses of the sale in the selling price.
    If you inherited the land, please tell us the depreciated balance of the building as of last December as a building, and the value of the building depreciated during the last year as well.
    In addition, if you tell us the remaining loan balance, we will tell you the taxes and the amount of money you will have left.

    I am thinking of consulting about inheritance.

    We will advise you about it based on your precise needs and wants.